What are the stages in contract compliance?

PRGX’s proven Contract Compliance process is broken down into four phases:

  1. Prepare: This initial stage is designed to set the program foundation and confirm the charter, educate and align stakeholders, assess and qualify, and design the program plan.
  2. Prep and Plan: During the next phase, PRGX will obtain a work order release, acquire your data, finalize the execution plan, engage your suppliers and acquire their data, select samples and perform pretesting.
  3. Execute: The active audit portion of our process involves testing, interviews and observation, resolving impediments and clarifying intent, preliminary conclusions and solicitation of response.
  4. Resolve: At the completion of the audit execution, PRGX will present issues to you for approval, release a final audit report, negotiate and resolve all approved issues, and educate stakeholders on the process and outcomes.

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